No-Cost Belated Mother’s Day Gifts

No-Cost Belated Mother’s Day Gifts

Did Mother’s Day pass without your figuring out how to give her a gift with no cash on hand? It’s not too late. You can still make your mom happy and put an end to the gnawing guilt. Even if you’re an adult now, things that may seem insignificant to you mean the world to your biggest fan. Any of the ideas below will make a gift that will live on and on, unlike an expensive bouquet of flowers.

Digitize Old Photos

Pull out your mom’s favorite old printed photos that pre-dated the digital age. Scan the photos onto a CD. That alone will be a great gift. If you have some added time plus skill at making photo movies, present a “home movie” of photos that tell a happy story of special family memories.


In addition to any other gift you come up with, be sure to spend time with your mom. Stay a while and share an activity your mom enjoys, such as walking at a nearby nature park, playing cards, looking at old photo albums together, or enjoying a home movie night. Give her a big dose of your company. Talk to her, share memories, and let her know what a great mom she is. That may be the very best gift possible.

Write Her a Letter or Poem

These days, handwritten mementos mean more than ever, what with the ease of sending instant messages online. Spend some time writing your mom a letter, poem, or card that you decorate yourself. Share top memories and heartfelt sentiments. Get other family members involved, with everyone saying some of the things they love best about your mom. Consider giving her a box of tissues at the same time. This kind of gift can easily inspire happy tears. It seems so rare we let moms know how much we appreciate them.

Surprise her by Doing Chores

Think back on all the chores your mom always asks or asked you to do, depending on your age. Do every chore you can think of, including doing the dishes, taking out the trash, scrubbing the toilets, doing the laundry, and cooking. Let her relax and enjoy having everything done for her. That’s a present any mom would love.

No one knows better than you and your mom what you’ve put her through, and yet she’s always been there for you. You’ll both be happier if you make up for it, if Mother’s Day came and went without giving her a gift. Never make the mistake of thinking you need money to make your mom’s day.

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